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We are excited to announce our partnership with Crytek on the project, Hunt: Showdown 1896

We are excited to announce our partnership with Crytek on the project, Hunt: Showdown 1896. Working on this remarkable title has been an immensely rewarding experience.

Congratulations to everyone at Crytek for their hard work and dedication. Get ready for enhanced gameplay, new maps, and exciting features in this latest update!

Gamers, it’s time to embark on fresh adventures with Hunt: Showdown 1896. Now available on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S.

Other news

We’re excited to announce our attendance at the Tokyo Game Show 2023!

Our team was very happy to participate in ChinaJoy 2023, make new acquaintances, and enjoy the atmosphere of Shanghai.

Thanks to everyone we met during our adventure in China, we hope to get back soon!